N&W Ry, Radford Division

Stations, mileage, and telegraph signals are from Division Timetables, starting with Timetable #3 (effective Sunday, July 4, 1897) through timetable #18 (effective Sunday, May 26, 1901). Additional information was compiled 1-29-1994 by A.D. Burnett. Much of the historical information above was provided by William M. Harman of Christiansburg, Va., a 3rd generation N&W telegrapher, who hired in 1940.

StationMiles From RoanokeTelegraph SignalsLocation, history, details
Roanoke---MHRoanoke depot
The N&W Passenger Station was built in 1909 and refurbished in 1949. The redesign was done by Raymond Loewy. The station is now home to the O. Winston Link Museum.
GMGeneral Manager’s Office, Roanoke (a system office; not a part of Radford Division)
RTrain Dispatcher’s Office of Radford Division; located at Park Street, Roanoke, and after that office burned down in 1930s, moved to General Office Building (along with KD, below)
KDRadford Division Message Office, adjacent to Train Dispatcher’s Office
DOYard Office, 12th St Roanoke; “DO” probably stood for “Division Offices” at one time.
West Roanoke2.0UNTower and train order office near 24th St, Shaffer’s Crossing
WBTrain order office at west end of Roanoke Yard
Salem6.1SDSalem depot
DeyerleDYDeyerle block office, near Salem brick works. Named for a nearby landowner, Joseph Deyerle, who built Pleasant Grove plantation. He was paid $950 by the Va. and Tenn. Railroad for rights to run the line through his acres along the Roanoke River. (Facebook post by Adam Norris Deyerle)
Glenvar11.2DYGlenvar tower; installed when Deyerle was closed
Balls15.6BAChanged to Singer in TT #18
SSinger tower (later). Octagonal, shingle-sided tower.
Elliston19.9BSFormerly Big Spring. After tower built, telegraph moved out of station and into tower. Tower closed and pneumatic interlocking remote from depot in svc. 1946-1954.
Shawsville25.3AGStation was built as a stop for Alleghany Springs, a nearby resort
Arthur26.4WHArthur tower, opened 1900 (named for Arthur Seabold, who sold land to the RR)
Montgomery26.9WHMontgomery (originally Big Tunnel Station). Served Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, a nearby resort. Telegraph signal removed in TT #16.
Houchins30.0CYHouchins block office. Closed about 1900. May have been “NE” at one time.
Christiansburg E.D.T.32.0CBEnd Double Track? Removed in TT #12.
Christiansburg32.7BXChristiansburg tower (BX for “Buffalo Crossing”). Closed 1954.
Station is currently used by NS. This station is a “Farmville” type, built in 1906. It opened for business on September 3, 1906. It was a joint station with the Virginia Anthracite Coal & Railway Co.(the branch line to Blacksburg) until that company went under and was purchased by the N&W in 1912. The freight station was built as a passenger station by the AM & O Railroad. It is post-Civil War construction; the original station was destroyed by Union raiders who moved into Southwest Virginia from West Virginia. It is now privately owned and has been restored. The station was built by the AM&O, which combined the three separate railroads across Virginia into one company, predecessor of the N&W Railroad (which came out of its own receivership as the N&W Railway).
MCMontague’s Cut block office. Closed when BX opened.
Vickers38.2VKVicker depot, formerly Vicker’s Switch, the ofs closed 1954; agency closed 7-15-1959
Brown’s Tank40.1BHFirst listed in TT #4
Walton40.1BHWalton tower, appeared in TT #16 in place of Brown’s Tank.
Pepper42.7CBAdded in TT #16, effective October 11, 1900. Added on the Walton cut-off between Walton and Belspring.
Brown46.5KUAdded in TT #16, effective October 11, 1900. Added on the Walton cut-off between Walton and Belspring.
Coe48.1MR Added in TT #16, effective October 11, 1900. Added on the Walton cut-off between Walton and Belspring.
East Radford43.1CN
Radford44.3R, JCSignal not listed in TT #4 to TT #12, when it changed to JC
W.End Double Track44.6JCNew River Bridge, where Bristol Line splits. Not listed in TT #12 and after.
Schooler46.5SCSchooler block office, on old line over Schooler Hill between New River and Belspring, which route was bypassed by new line via Bluff and Cowan. Signal removed in TT #17.
Belspring50.2PNBelspring depot
Dry Branch53.7DBDry Branch tower
Berton55.7--Not listed in TT #4 or after, listed as flag stop in special instructions
Eggleston58.4SYWas listed as Eggleston Springs prior to TT #4. Tgh ofs closed 1945, agency closed 7-15-1959
Pembroke62.6MOPembroke depot
Walkers Creek64.3--Not listed in TT #4 or after, listed as flag stop in special instructions
Ripplemead65.7M Ripplemeade depot, closed 1967
Potts Valley ConnectorJunction with Potts Valley Branch
Curve69.3JOCurve block office; temporary end of double track; closed after WWI.
Shumate74.9DXShumate block office
Narrows76.1NANarrows depot
Lurich80.5RHLurich depot, closed 1946
OXLurich tower
Glen Lyn82.7GNGN signal not listed in TT #4 or after
Wills85.1WSWills (W.Va.) block office
Oakvale90.0OVOakvale depot, closed 1960
Hardy92.5NWHardy block office (located at present Hoot Owl School House)
Ingleside95.2DEIngleside depot, closed 1948
East River96.4CURenamed Blake in TT #16.
Tulip100.4FXTulip block office (before Blake was put in; 2.9 miles west of Blake, 1.9 miles east of Ada). First appeared in TT #4
Ada101.2ADAda depot, closed 1948
East Bluefield105.2OXNot listed in TT #8 or after